High integrity and transparency should be followed when recording and reporting financial and nonfinancial information. A failure to record transactions accurately, creating misleading information or influencing others to do so, can constitute fraud.
All financial information must be recorded accurately and at the right time in Metsä Group’s accounts following applicable laws, local and international financial reporting rules as well as our own policies and instructions. Also, taxes and tax-like charges must be reported and paid duly according to applicable laws.
Metsä Group is committed to comply with all applicable antimoney laundering legislation. Money laundering refers to disguising the origin of criminal money or assets to make them appear as if they came from a legal source. All necessary precautions must be taken to prevent any participation with activities related to money laundering.
Keep these principles in mind
- Make sure you give a true and fair view in all financial and non-financial reporting where you are involved.
- Do not withhold financially important information or create misleading information.
- Keep an eye out for unusual or complex payment structures or requests for payment to an unrelated account, country or third part.
- Report without delay, if you notice misleading information.
Rule to remember
We report financial information accurately and transparently.