Metsä Group is committed to the development of a culture of diversity and equality in which everyone has the opportunity to succeed in their career and be an equal member of the work community. The necessary development work will be guided by the new Metsä For All vision, which defines the kind of workplace Metsä Group aspires to be.
Metsä Group is committed to ensuring that personal characteristics, such as gender, age, ethnic background, sexual orientation or disability do not influence anyone’s chances of success at work. Diversity, equality and inclusion are promoted and the progress is measured with set targets.
“Our group operates globally in more than thirty countries, and our personnel represents more than fifty nationalities. We need versatile expertise to execute our strategy of profitable growth and continuous renewal. Above all, by valuing and making the most of diversity, we can be an even better workplace for our employees now and in future. We still have room for improvement, and we’re actively taking steps towards a more equal workplace,” says Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO of Metsä Group.
When defining the development measures to support the change, results of the ethics barometer carried out in 2020 as well as the equality survey from this spring will be utilised. The perspectives gained from these surveys, aimed at the entire personnel, have been complemented with external stakeholder interviews.
Metsä Group encourages its entire personnel to both develop as individuals and to steer the company and whole forest industry to respond to future needs. The personnel will be trained to be even more considerate of diversity, equality and inclusion in their daily work. We believe that the Metsä for all vision and the related development measures during the change journey, such as anonymous recruitment and other diversity promoting practices, will also increase the appeal of the entire forest industry.
Learn more at our website.