A responsible corporate culture is one of Metsä Group’s 2030 sustainability objectives. According to the results of our second Ethics Barometer, which measures our progress towards the objective, we have improved in nearly every area since the 2020 barometer. More than 5,600 Metsä Group employees responded to the survey. Several development measures will now be launched to further develop the ethics of our operations.
“We’re interested in matters that are topical at our sites and relevant to our corporate culture from ethical perspective. We want to develop our operations to address any misconduct and ethical concerns observed and to meet new requirements,” says Tarja Tudor, VP, Compliance and Ethics, at Metsä Group.
Based on the results of the latest Ethics Barometer, conducted in the summer of 2022, the following development measures will be initiated:
- In training for managers, more emphasis will be placed on the importance of addressing ethical concerns and creating a culture where reporting misconduct is encouraged
- Our entire personnel will receive training in the core content of our Code of Conduct through a revised e-learning
- Anonymous recruiting will be adopted as the primary recruiting method
- The transparency of recruiting will be increased by publishing all vacancies internally, except for vacancies that involve successor planning
- Local workshops will be organised to promote our DEI vision, “Metsä For All”, so that we can ensure equality and inclusion in everyday activities at all our sites
Metsä Group’s goal for the ethics index derived from the barometer is 100% by the end of 2030. In 2022, the ethics index was 85.2% (2020: 84.4%).
“The responsibility of corporate culture should not be taken for granted. It’s important to nurture it but also to challenge it. We want to encourage our employees to openly discuss different aspects of corporate responsibility, and the results of the Ethics Barometer provide excellent data and viewpoints to support such discussions. Only by taking the right actions in our daily lives can we ensure our future success,” says Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO of Metsä Group.