Metsä Group has published its Annual Review for the financial period 1 January – 31 December 2024 in Finnish and English.
The Annual Review contains the financial statements, the Report of the Board of Directors, the Sustainability statement, the Auditor’s report, the Sustainability statement’s assurance report, the Corporate Governance Statement and the Remuneration Report. A summary of the climate transition plan is also published as part of the Sustainability statement. The entire plan is available on Metsä Group’s website.
“We carried out extensive background work for our 2023 disclosures, when we published sustainability information in the Board of Directors’ Report in accordance with the Directive and sustainability reporting standards ahead of the requirements. Good preparations made it easier to move over to actual reporting,” says Vesa-Pekka Takala, Metsä Group’s CFO.
A changing climate requires a strategic approach, linking climate and nature. Metsä Group’s transition plan contains the 2030 targets for reducing Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions, and key actions for achieving the targets. In addition to the emissions reduction targets, Metsä Group has targets linked to climate change mitigation and adaptation, which are related to forest management, resource-efficient production and raw materials and carbon storage in products.
“The climate transition plan, published for the first time, provides a comprehensive description of our climate targets and climate work, including both strategic and operational perspectives. The new EU sustainability legislation emphasises the significance of transition plans,” says Maija Pohjakallio, VP, Climate and Circular Economy at Metsä Group.
The climate transition plan, content index based on TCFD and TNFD frameworks, Remuneration Report, and Corporate Governance Statement have also been published as separate documents in Finnish and English. TCFD and TNFD are international frameworks that help companies report on climate and nature related risks and opportunities.
Metsä Group’s reports are available at:
Metsä Board, a Metsä Group company, published its Annual Review 2024 in Finnish and English on 20 February 2024. Metsä Board’s reports are available at: