Digital everyday at Metsä

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​Mobile maintenance, 3D modelling, robotic lifts, machine vision, digital twins and what else. In Metsä Group, digitalisation is utilised throughout the production processes. In this video, Tapio Nuutinen and Kalle Ikonen talk about digitalisation in Metsä Group and remind us that in the digital era, customers, products and production are still the starting point.

“Digitalisation as such is not important to us. What is more important is how we can use it to improve our operations,” states Tapio Nuutinen, SVP, ICT, Metsä Group. “We aim for a better customer experience, better products and more efficient operations.”

New digital technologies have revolutionized forestry and services offered for forest owners. Virtual forests and other online services make forest management independent of time and place. As the forerunner in the field, Metsä Group has strongly developed its offering of electronic services for forest owners over the last few years.

“We are comparing our solutions not only to the best digital solutions in the forest industry, but also to the digital field as a whole. Our goal, of course, is to be among the global forerunners of digital services,” says Kalle Ikonen, District Manager, Metsä Group Wood Supply and Forest Services.