A forest owner’s best partner

We are Finland’s largest purchaser of wood. Our wood supply organisation procures all the wood used by Metsä Group and supplies it to other industrial customers.

We conclude around 30,000 wood purchases annually, most of them from our owner-members’ forests. In addition to Finland, Metsä Group procures wood from Russia*, Estonia, Latvia and Sweden.

Harvesting and transports are handled by our extensive network of contract entrepreneurs. All the wood we procure is traceable, and most of it is sourced from certified forests: 93% of the wood we procured in 2024 was PEFC (PEFC/02-31-03) or FSC® (FSC-C014476) certified.

Each wood purchase is handled by a designated forest specialist with the best knowledge and understanding of the measures best suited to the forest. We are a forerunner of digital services in the forest industry, and our owner-members have access to a versatile Metsäverkko service. In 2024, up to 52% of our wood purchases were managed digitally.

Every part of the tree is used efficiently and assigned to the most appropriate purpose, be it wood products, pulp and other bioproducts, or renewable energy.

*In March 2022 Metsä Group discontunued wood procurement and import from Russia.