The third prize in the Polish National Cooking Contest "Nowy Wymiar Gotowania - SAGA"
Author: Maciej Woźniak
1 serving
Step 1, SALMON
Wash the salmon and dry it with a paper towel. Crash the coffee grains (slightly). Add anise and mix with olive oil, salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar. Keep the salmon in the mixture for about 2-3 hours.
Take a sheet of SAGA cooking paper. Place the salmon fillet on the paper. Make a SAGA pouch. Bake in an oven at 110°C for 15 minutes.
Take two sheets of SAGA cooking paper. Place two thirds of the peas on one sheet. Cut radish into halves. Place the radish, onion, asparagus and the rest of the peas on the second sheet of paper. Make SAGA pouches. Boil in a pot for about 3 minutes (approx. 2cm of water). Open the pouch with the peas and sieve it. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of butter. Take the vegetables out of the second pouch. Gently quick-fry the vegetables in butter and balsamic vinegar.
Step 3, PUREE
Peel and boil the celery and potatoes until they are soft. Add butter and knead until you get puree.
Cut the beetroots into quarters and place them on a sheet of SAGA cooking paper. Season with salt, sugar and a pinch of olive oil. Make a SAGA boat. Bake in an oven at 140oC for about 30 minutes.
Step 5, SAUCE
Fill a pot with wine and lemon juice. Boil until a half of the liquid evaporates. Add cream and simmer for about 5 minutes. Season with salt and sugar. Devide the sauce into two portions. Add yolk to one portion and beat. Combine the two portions of the sauce and stir.
Arrange all the elements of the dish on the plate and decorate with sprouts.