Sustainability reporting

We communicate about our sustainability work comprehensively, transparently and openly. The content of our sustainability reporting reflects Metsä Group's sustainable and profitable growth through our strategic sustainability 2030 objectives.

Metsä Group's annual review includes a sustainability report as part of the Board of Directors' report. The sustainability report complies with the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and its European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Additionally, the sustainability report details the progress of Metsä Group's strategic 2030 goals. 

Metsä Group publishes a separate TCFD and TNFD appendix on its website, which compiles references to climate and nature-related risks and opportunities in accordance with the TCFD and TNFD frameworks.

Metsä Group's annual reporting consists of the following reports: Metsä Group Annual review, Remuneration report, and Corporate Governance statement.