We create value locally and internationally

We are an important part of society and we create value locally, nationally and internationally. Our production units have a strong local influence and our operations affect the entire country.

On a national level, we are an important producer of export goods and renewable energy. The value of the exports trom our Finnish mills equals nearly 5% of Finland's total exports and we produce over 15% of Finland's renewable energy.

Our primary raw material, wood, comes from sustainably managed northern forests  with 100% traceability. Our products correspond to global trends and reduce dependence on fossil raw materials.

We utilise all resources efficiently - each part of the wood is used for the highest added value products. We aim to increase the amount of products that store carbon with a long life span as these products have a clear role in mitigating climate change.

Major employer

An important employer – directly and indirectly

92% of Metsä Group's employees have permanent contracts. In 2023, our employees received wages, salaries and benefits worth a total of just over 707  million euros. 

In addition, we spent EUR 498 million on forest management, harvesting and transport services in Finland. Each Finnish forest industry job indirectly creates three more jobs according to the Finnish Forest Industries Federation.

Large economic impacts

Metsä Group contributes to the surrounding society also through paid paid taxes. Considering all directly  and indirectly generated taxes and tax-like payments arising  from Metsä Group’s operations, our economic contribution to the surrounding society is significant. Taxes borne by Metsä Group in year 2023, amounted to EUR 242 million.

Metsä Group is committed to following international transfer pricing guidelines and local tax laws and regulations in all of its operating countries. The majority of Metsä Group’s production and other operations operations are located in Finland, thus most of the taxes are paid in Finland.

Metsä Group’s behaviour with tax authorities is transparent and cooperative. We manage our tax issues by an  internal tax function and taxes are in the scope of the Board of Directors’ Audit  Committee regular follow-up.

Sustainable foundation

Forestry built on a sustainable foundation

Forests have both economic and recreational value. Metsä Group procures over 30 million cubic metres of wood annually and we always know its origin. 89% of  the wood we use comes from certified forests, but through chain of custody procurement policies, we also ensure that wood from uncertified forests is procured, harvested and supplied in accordance with strict sustainability standards.

For every tree harvested in regeneration fellings, we plant for new seedlings. Metsä Group delivers over 30 million seedlings annually to the Cooperative's forest owner-members and other customers.

Investing in the future

In the last few years Metsä Group as made significant investments in building  sustainable bioeconomy.

An investment programme worth over EUR 2 billion was realised in 2015–2018. A new investment programme of over EUR 2 billion was published for 2019–2023. 

Our research and development projects bring new bioproducts to the markets in order to replace fossil raw materials. Already 90% of the  energy used in our production is renewable and we have reduced fossil CO2 emissions by 25% per produced tonne since 2018. These investments take us closer to a fossil free society.